The Weirdots
"The Weirdots" is a cheerful and imaginative children's story centered around a group of unique, colorful characters called the Weirdots. Each character embodies different traits and quirks, emphasizing the beauty of diversity and the importance of friendship and understanding our emotions
Author & Owner: Steffanie Najera
Co-author: C.M. Harris
About the Author
Adopted and moved to Orange County, CA at the age of 14, Steffanie Najera has a rich and diverse life story that has significantly influenced their creative work. Growing up in a complex familial environment, Steffanie developed a deep appreciation for diversity and individuality.
With a professional background in project management, Steffanie is now channeling their passion into launching a play cafe concept, Check N’ Play, set to open in Spring 2025. Having lived in five different countries and interacted with people from various cultures, Steffanie has cultivated a worldview that values embracing and respecting others, and underscores the importance of belonging and support.
Coming Soon
Meet the Weirdots
I AM happy, excited, and hyper
I AM curious, skeptical, and proud
I AM silly, inventive, and confused
Steffanie Najera
“The Weirdots” is Steffanie’s debut children’s book, a cheerful and imaginative story celebrating the beauty of diversity and the power of friendship. The book follows Juice, a joyful dot, on a journey filled with unique characters, each adding their own special traits to the adventure. Creating the Weirdots has brought joy to Steffanie’s inner child, fostering healing and a deeper appreciation for differences. Through this vibrant narrative, Steffanie aims to inspire young readers to embrace self-acceptance and cherish the uniqueness of themselves and others.
I AM playful, naughty, and observant
I AM focused, hypnotized, and hooked
I AM grumpy, crabby, and cranky
C.M. Harris
Living in Southern California, Charity is an award-winning author and founder of Purple Diamond Press, Inc. She is the author of multiple series, including The What If We Were All Series, The You Matter Series, and The Ms. Freckle School Stories Series, and she is happy to join Steffanie on The Weirdots Series.
Charity loves traveling to schools for author visits, spreading the importance of friendship, acceptance, and disability awareness. In 2019, she founded her children's book publishing company, Purple Diamond Press, Inc.